Playing With Fire

Playing With Fire

Playing With Fire Missing Woman Identified On the day before Christmas 2002, a timber appraiser surveying land at an abandoned tree farm discovered a partial skull in a thicket located near a logging road. The undergrowth was dense and fearing he might not be able to...
Dead Weight

Dead Weight

Dead Weight A Family Affair Some years ago, a man and woman lived in a ramshackle house, a patchwork of wood, brick, concrete block, and tar paper, in a rural community. The couple had been married for several decades but had an open marriage characterized by numerous...
Taking a Second Look

Taking a Second Look

Taking a Second Look Human Remains Identified: Schizophrenic In early December 2006, two deer hunters discovered partially mummified human remains in a densely wooded area near a factory outlet mall. The body was lying on its right side at the base of a large oak tree...
Did That Body Just Move?

Did That Body Just Move?

Did That Body Just Move? Investigating Buried Remains Many years ago, deer hunters discovered partially buried human skeletal remains in a remote and heavily wooded area in a southern state. Local law enforcement was notified and they, in turn, asked for the...